
Did we mention we like software tools?

HTML5, iOS, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, C++, Java, Python, Keynote, MySQL, Database Management, OpenGL, WordPress… We’ll even build you pivot tables in Excel if you ask us nicely (but you have to ask REALLY nicely). Whether we’re internationalizing a piece of software across seven languages or adding a user interface to make sunset simulations look perfect, we believe in using the right tools for the job and every tool is different.

We believe in working alongside the customer and getting constant feedback in the form of one week to two week long sprints. We prefer to work physically next to the users of our software where possible, because tightening the feedback loop is the key to building excellent software. Agile to us means communicate quickly and often and get users a minimal viable product as soon as possible.

Software testing is not something you do at the end of a project, but throughout, even writing tests before you begin coding. Whether that’s with RSpec, Jasmine, Tut, Nose, or JUnit, we believe untested code is unfinished code.

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